Our Christmas tree at home.

Michelle and her fiance Bryan.

Our two dogs play-fighting.

Same here.

Christmas tree at my brother's house on Christmas Eve.

After we ate, all gathered around the kitchen bar for a look at my brother's gun.

Opening presents--Sarah got a Cabbage Patch with baby.

He likes the green!

Ooops! Labeled the packages wrong--Margaret got John Michael's and he got hers.

Finally got the right one!

Trying out the suncatchers. This kept them busy and quiet for quite some time.

Megan, my oldest.

Benji (fiance), Megan, and John Michael

Working on the yarn!

Christmas morning at our house. Sarah's opening presents.

Megan and Benji came over early to open presents with us too.

Sabrina is eyeing the treats that were in her stocking.

The dogs have to be in the middle of everything.

Sarah is trying to give some treats to one of the cats.

Benji got the jacket he wanted from Megan.

Lillian Grace, the great-niece.

Benji is feeding her some custard.

Had to take a picture of the brother-in-law's shirt. It says...I'm sick of being my wife's arm candy.

Lilli is watching Mom(Amber) open her presents.

My MIL, Lilli's great-grandmother, holding Lilli.

Chuck, my other brother-in-law, holding Lilli.

Dad(Shannon) is taking her to get ready for bed.

Rusty, sleeping in his favorite chair on New Year's Eve.

The cat, SiSi, likes to sleep here also, when the dogs aren't in it.